
If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle — Sun Tzu in the Art of War.

Getting a job is a mental battle because you will be rejected many times, in most cases, before you get hired.

To increase your chances, you could learn how others perceive your behavior because they will have a different point of view in life.

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Everyone is different regarding experiences(nurture), but specific preferences(nature) are universal in humanity.

When we study human culture, we will notice archetypes, individuals who justify their actions based on their mental models of reality.

When you think about a forest, do you get a feeling of calmness, or do you get a sense of chaos? Neither experience is right nor wrong.

Each of these different dispositions creates personality types.

We have invented many systems to understand the human psyche, like MBTI, Depth Psychology, Human Design, Enneagram, Spiral Dynamics, etc.

After studying the above systems for years, I have concluded that they all point toward truth but address different aspects of the human experience.

A good analogy used which is used in Asia, to desribe the differences within humanity. When blind people touch an elephant, they make a different assumption about what they perceive; they because they only of part of the puzzle.